Home water filtration for Round Rock, TX
For assistance, or to schedule a
free water analysis call (512) 522-AQUA
About Round Rock Water Quality
If you live in Round Rock, some of the water coming out of your tap originates deep underground in the Edwards Aquifer. Most of the Round Rock public utility drinking water comes from Lake Georgetown to the north and west. Anglers have nicknamed this lake “The Dead Sea” because it seems as if hardly any fish can live in it.
Every water utility must provide a detailed report on contaminants and impurities revealed by routine testing. You can find Round Rock’s 2014 report here. You can read in the report that “The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) completed an assessment of our source water and results indicate that some of our sources are susceptible to certain contaminants.” The report also asserts that “Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants,” which may not necessarily be bad for you.
Some of the contaminants found in the drinking water include Chloramine as high as 3.87 parts per million, which is only a little below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 4.00 ppm. Dibromochloromethane, an unregulated contaminant, tested as high as 19 parts per billion. And some drinking water tested positive for fecal coliform bacteria.
We service Round Rock, TX
Aqua Life installs home water filtration systems in Round Rock, and the surrounding areas. We’ve installed and serviced these systems throughout Central Texas.
If you need home filtration in Round Rock, TX, reach out to us, we want to help you with your water.