Home water filtration for Austin, TX
For assistance, or to schedule a
free water analysis call (512) 522-AQUA
About Austin Water Quality
The primary provider of water to Austin residents is Austin Water. Austin Water gets the majority of its water from three water treatment plants that source their water from the Colorado River as it flows into Lake Travis and Lake Austin. Austin water treats this water so that it can be used for human consumption, unfortunately no matter what kind of treatment process is used for ground water, it is never 100% free of contaminants.
The City of Austin conducted a water quality test and sent out the annual report in 2014. The report found that Austin water met all of the standards set forth by the EPA for water to be used for drinking and cooking. There were still contaminants found in levels below the acceptable cut off for drinking water. One of the contaminants, copper results from the plumbing found inside of homes so it is impossible to filter out without a home water filtration system. Other contaminants such as barium and nitrate were found even though a large amount was already filtered out in the water treatment plant. A home water filtration system from Aqua Life Water Solutions can ensure your Austin water is free from 99.9% of the remaining contaminants reported in the water quality report.
We service Austin TX
Aqua Life Water Solutions services Austin TX, and the surrounding areas. We’ve installed and serviced home water filtration systems in Cedar Park, Pflugerville, Round Rock, San Marcos, and all over Central Texas.
If you need service in Austin, TX, give us a call for a free water test, we want to help you with your water.